Find a person you need

Is work.Her for my company?

If you want to:

  • Add more digital skills to your team
  • Work towards equality for women in their jobs
  • Use new HR tools 

work.Her is for you!

What will you gain?

  • Cooperation with experts in the field of recruitment and coaching
  • More digital skills in your team
  • An employee prepared for the job
  • HR & coaching support
  • More diversity & inclusion in your team 
  • Being part of an international project in the field of social innovation
  • Access to the data base
  • An employee with most recent knowledge on the topic
  • Social impact of your company
  • Employer branding
They are with us already

Join the group of socially engaged companies

Logo Płocki Park Przemysłowo - Technologiczny
Logo Future Skills Institute

Your company can have a real impact

See out code of ethics and change the labor market for better

It really pays off!

6 times
increases the ability

to create a culture of innovation in teams with a diverse composition.


of candidates

considers it more attractive if an organization cares about diversity among employees.


How does it work?

See our scheme

Jak to działa?

1 step

You contact us

2 step

We get to know your needs

3 step

We present you best candidates

4 step

We prepare the candidate you choose for a new role

5 step

You will see each other at work!

We are here for you to find the person you really need.

Write to us

Take the first step. Submit your request.

    1. The Administrator of Users' personal data is Fundacja Fundusz Współpracy with the headquarters in Warsaw, ul. Górnośląska 4a, 00-444. The Administrator can be contacted by traditional post at the above-mentioned address or by e-mail:
    2. The Administrator appointed the Data Protection Supervisor - Andrzej Rybus-Tołłoczko, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address
    3. Personal data are being processed based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
    4. Users' personal data will be processed for the purpose:
      • Establishing contact with the Administrator, based on our legitimate interest in ensuring contact - Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.
    5. Personal data does not come from third parties.
    6. AThe Administrator does not intend to transfer data to a third country or any international organization.
    7. The administrator may transfer personal data to other entities on the basis of a data entrustment agreement and other entities pursuant to legal provisions,including to IT service providers.
    8. Personal data will be processed by the Administrator for the time needed to answer the question or solve the case.
    9. The data subject has the right to access their data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to data transfer, the right to object to processing
    10. A complaint against the Administrator's operations may be filed to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
    11. Providing personal data is necessary to contact Administrator.
    12. AThe Administrator does not provide for automated decision making.